1. This only works with channels that would be being watched at the same time in a bar or other establishment. Two TV'S are turned on to two different channels. When both stations are on commercial. Commercial comes on at same time on each channel.  Two characters one on each different channel/ tv talk to each other.

2. Make all roads in a major city go under ground, sell all the land where the roads were for people to live in. Filter the CO2 exhaust.

3. Album Name: Can I Go Pee, Before You Poop?

4. Write 5 ideas a day, make a blog, then after about you get like 800 ideas, publish it in to a book. 

5. Buy like 15 trees, plant em in some ones back yard all during the night so when they wake up there is forest in their yard.


Two Dogs, Three Cats, and One Chickens